Home > Video > Gotong Royong Day

感谢各位NZX热心人士,但以理中心的老师与学生们的热心参与。感谢你们在各方面的支持与贡献。大家都非常非常棒地发挥了Gotong Royong 的精神。原本沉闷的清扫活动
因着大家的热心 团结 原意 付出,垃圾堆看起来似乎变得很好玩 ~
俗语说得好 : 团结就是力量 !我们渴望下一次的清扫范围可以更大 参与的人数可以更多,我们需要更多人的力量来维持整个社区的卫生与清洁,我们也在这里呼吁正在看文章的你能够与我们一起动起来。整洁:人人有责 ♡

PKKHS had organised a Gotong Royong Day on 18/12/2015. Our purpose about this Gotong Royong Day is to enhance the relationships among the neighbourhood and together build a clean environment around the area of Ara Damansara, NZX.We thank you for all the companies and residents that willing to join this gotong royong day and you are really give a big help to this NZX Area.